Santi Lertsumran
Engineer | Gopher | Duck | Love My Cats
## Swarm Mode is optional
## Open ports between the hosts
- TCP port 2377 for cluster management communications
- TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes
- TCP and UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic
#### Environment Setup
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 512 swarm01
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 512 swarm02
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 512 swarm03
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 512 \
--engine-label"ssd" swarm04
#### Change to docker environment terminal (OS X, Linux)
$ eval $(docker-machine env swarm01)
#### Example docker image
$ docker pull francois/apache-hostname
#### Try to drain 1 node
$ docker node update --availability drain swarm03
#### Create service with engine labels
$ docker service create --replicas 3 --name redis \
--constraint ' == ssd' redis
$ docker service scale redis=10
$ docker service create --replicas 3 --name redis --update-delay 10s redis:3.0.6
By default the scheduler updates 1 task at a time.
You can pass the ```--update-parallelism``` flag to configure the maximum number of service tasks that the scheduler updates simultaneously.
By default, when an update to an individual task returns a state of RUNNING, the scheduler schedules another task to update until all tasks are updated. If, at any time during an update a task returns FAILED, the scheduler pauses the update.
You can control the behavior using the `--update-failure-action` flag for `docker service create` or `docker service update`.
$ docker service inspect --pretty redis
ID: 0u6a4s31ybk7yw2wyvtikmu50
Name: redis
Mode: Replicated
Replicas: 3
Strategy: Spread
Parallelism: 1
Delay: 10s
Image: redis:3.0.6
$ docker service update --image redis:3.0.7 redis
$ docker service inspect --pretty redis
ID: 0u6a4s31ybk7yw2wyvtikmu50
Name: redis
Mode: Replicated
Replicas: 3
Strategy: Spread
Parallelism: 1
Delay: 10s
Image: redis:3.0.7
$ docker service inspect --pretty redis
ID: 0u6a4s31ybk7yw2wyvtikmu50
Name: redis
Update status:
State: paused
Started: 11 seconds ago
Message: update paused due to failure or early termination of task 9p7ith557h8ndf0ui9s0q951b
To restart a paused update run docker service update . For example:
docker service update redis
# Orchestration Deep Dive
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